I am an experienced maker and software developer. I have over a decade’s experience writing, running, and maintaining software at scale, building runtime monitoring tools, and supporting engineering operations. In addition, I have been designing and fabricating flight-proven components for high-, mid-, and low-power rockets.
I help people file better bugs and engineers make decisions on bugs faster. I improve tools and workflows for finding and diagnosing runtime issues faster. I’m the person you talk to if you want to make the experiences of developers working on your platform and products better. I also make Open Source safer for underrepresented groups and advocate for software that lets people use the name they go by, even when it doesn’t match their id.
My work includes browser-based applications for email, photo galleries, and blogging; enterprise and consumer virtual worlds; web apps for employee training and development; and apps for internet-enabled TVs.
You probably know me as the creator of the original Unitarian Universalist Jihad Name Generator, inspired by Jon Carroll’s column for the San Francisco Chronicle, and appearing in forum signatures across the web.
I live in the East Bay, on the unceded lands of the Ohlone people, with my wife Cynthia, where I work,ride my electric bicycle, cook, build and fly high power model rockets, mess about with tiny computers, help run science fiction conventions, and cater to the whims of my cats.
I started working on the Web when I asked the Otherwise (formerly the Tiptree) Award’s Motherboard if I could make a website for them. I still have the original site on a 3.5” disk.